This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about
places and counting.
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San Diego, California
San Diego, California city streets:
Mount Hay Drive
Pacifica Drive
Mount Herbert Avenue
Paducah Drive
Muir Avenue
Palermo Drive
Muir College Drive
Palmetto Way
Muir Lane
Palmilla Drive
Muirlands Drive
Palomar Avenue
Myers Drive
Park Boulevard
Mykonos Lane
Park Row
Nahant Court
Paseo del Ocaso
Nantasket Court
Paseo Dorado
Napa Street
Paul Jones Avenue
Napier Street
Pearl Street
Narragansett Avenue
Pedestrian Access to Mexico (PedEast)
Nautilus Street
Pedestrian Access to Mexico (PedWest)
Naylor Road
Pedestrian Access to the United States (PedEast)
Neale Street
Pendleton Avenue
Neptune Place
Pennsylvania Avenue
Neville Road
Penrose Street
Newell Street
Pepper Canyon Lane
Newport Avenue
Pepper Drive
Niagara Avenue
Pepper Tree Lane
Niantic Court
Perez Cove Way
Nichols Street
Perry Street
Nimitz Boulevard
Pescadero Avenue
Nipoma Street
Petit Street
Nob Avenue
Pine Street
Nobel Drive
Pio Pico Street
Noell Street
Pismo Court
North Harbor Drive
Plainview Road
North Jetty Road
Playa del Norte
North Mission Bay Drive
Playa del Sur
North Point Drive
Plum Street
North Point Lane
Plumosa Drive
North Torrey Pines Court
Poe Street
North Torrey Pines Road
Poinsettia Drive
Northaven Avenue
Point Loma Avenue
Northrim Court
Point Street
Novara Street
Portsmouth Court
Noyes Street
Presidio Drive
Nute Way
Prestwick Drive
Nutmeg Street
Pringle Street
Nye Street
Production Avenue
Ocean Boulevard
Promontory Street
Ocean Front Walk
Prospect Place
Ocean Front Walk
Prospect Street
Okeefe Street
Puterbaugh Street
Old Carmel Valley Rd
Qualcomm Way
Old Town Avenue
Qualtrough Street
Oleander Drive
Queenstown Court
Oliphant Street
Quimby Street
Olive Drive
Quince Street
Oliver Avenue
Quincy Street
Olivet Lane
Quivira Court
Olivet Street
Quivira Road
Olivetas Avenue
Quivira Way
Olney Street
Raffer Drive
Olson Drive
Rail Court
Opal Street
Ramp to Gilman Dr
Orange Avenue
Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road
Orchard Avenue
Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road
Ormond Court
Randall Street
Orr Street
Randolph Street
Orten Street
Ranleigh Court
Osler Street
Ravina Street
Osprey Street
Redondo Court
Ostend Court
Redwood Drive
Otay Mesa Road
Redwood Street
Otay Pacific Road
Reed Avenue
Ottowa Avenue
Regents Park Row
Owen Street
Regents Road
Pacific Beach Drive
Rehco Road
Pacific Heights Boulevard
Renaissance Avenue
Pacific Highway
Retaheim Way
Pacific Highway Frontage Road
Revelle College Drive
Pacific View Drive
Rialto Street